End of Eternity http://bit.ly/1PBatvE+
2nd Harbinger Collection http://bit.ly/2fjOxuD+
Rapid Response International Thrillers http://bit.ly/1OnjATn+
The Bare Witch Project http://bit.ly/1JGOEGd+
Soothsayer: Magic Is All Around Us http://bit.ly/2fjPqmH+
The Flame of Eternity http://bit.ly/2frANvi+
A Change In Crime http://bit.ly/2g30lTh+
Cade’s Revenge http://bit.ly/2eoITIr+
Different Lee http://bit.ly/2ewnxnx+
Transformed: San Francisco http://bit.ly/2ehZJIC+
Love, Christmas http://bit.ly/2eoJ86h+
Insatiable: The Lone Werewolf Finds His Mate http://bit.ly/1R3FKZM+